All images made by Takashi Miyamoto. Photos of the real people have been hidden for safety of the person and the reader.
After graduating Central Police Academy, Sumio was assigned to the HC Unit. He became partners with Kusabi Testugoro, a veteran agent in the same unit. After capturing Ayame as the culprit behind the Kamui Case, he quickly falls in love with her. Said to be a clone of another Sumio. (See Mikumo 77 Incident for more info.)
A veteran agent for the HC Unit and partners with Sumio. He was the head of The Silver Case and caught Kamui Uehara. After his success he joined the Security Dept. and HC Unit as a request from his fromer boss. He meets a squadsman supposedly named Akira from the Special Forces Unit while hunting down Ryo Kazan, a man who assulted Kusabi, at reactor-building named 'Califlower'. Later, Kusabi takes in Akira after his co-works are killed while hunting for Kamui. He gives Akira the nickname of "Big Dick'.
Data collector and analyzer for the HC Unit. Partners with Kiyoshi Morikawa, another veteran. She is the daughter of the current mayor, Kaoru Hachisuka and brother of Tokio Morishima. She was raised as a shelter kid and was supposed to be the vessel for the real Ayame. She still retains some of Ayame's personality.