The Silver Case was coined after the murder of Ginji Nakane, chairman of the FSO and TRO/CCO alliance, and the killing of ten senior citizens in the TRO/CCO headquarters. The FSO (Frontier/Convervation Faction), CCO (Civic Faction), and the TRO (Techno/Extremist Revolutionary Faction) were all previous non-profit organizations that began to control the 24th Ward. The 24th Ward is a housing unit in Kanto, Japan. It was created to make the perfect utopia free from crime. To ensure this, the goverment created the Heniuos Crimes Unit and Special Forces Unit centered around the TRO and CCO respectively. Chaos ensues when perpitrator of the Silver Case, Kamui Uehara, escapes his medical confinment and kills his councelor. He goes on to kill three other women and two Special Force Unit officers, but it is soon found out by Sumio Kodai, a detective for the HC Unit, that it was actually his creative partner Ayame Shimohira who executed these murders because she deemed them a obstacle to her love for Kamui. Kamui was found binded up in their art studio, Gladious. Kamui was taken in while in a vegetative state.